Financial Planning Process

Helping physicians safely manage and grow wealth for the future

Physician Wealth Advisors offers physicians access to a group of full-time, salaried financial advisors. These financial experts do not receive commissions, so you are assured of unbiased advice. For added security, a Board of Directors composed of physicians and financial industry professionals provides complete accountability and fee transparency in all transactions.

Pre-planning assessment

We start the financial planning process by getting a good understanding of your lifestyle goals and objectives. It’s important that we listen and learn about your priorities so we can customize a financial portfolio to match your goals, timeframe, and tolerance for risk.

Recommend options for your financial portfolio

We provide options for your financial portfolio and conduct a risk and probability analysis to determine the strength of each choice; allowing you to make informed financial decisions so you can move forward with clarity and confidence in your preferred plan. If you already have a financial strategy, we can offer a second opinion.


After further discussion and approval by you, we implement the selected portfolio recommendations using non-conflicted institutional partners to custody your assets so you can feel confident about their security and protection.

Monitor and review

We continually monitor the asset allocation strategies and the performance of all selected managers to confirm their continued merit in your portfolio. Furthermore, we review your plan with you on a regular basis and make an adjustment when necessary as we progress steadily toward your goals.

Physician Wealth Advisors has a full range of products and services to help you succeed financially

  • Investment Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Retirement Income Strategies
  • Cash Management
  • College Funding
  • Insurance Planning
  • Estate Preservation